Monday, November 12, 2012

Night Terror 2

I had an interesting night last night. I've mentioned before that I have extremely weird sleeping habits, one of which is I occasionally suffer from night terrors. They are different from nightmares because, they tend to happen in that strange place between sleep and wakefulness and they are actual real looking hallucinations that are in your own environment.  

This summer, I had the most terrifying night terror I've ever had, you can read more about that HERE.   Last night, I also had a night terror, but it wasn't so much terrifying as it was just plain weird.

I woke up from a deep deep sleep when I heard my heater kick on, sometimes it makes a loud clanking noise.  When I woke up and looked around the room the walls were moving and jiggling like the walls of a jumpy castle.  I looked at my bedroom door way  and "saw,"  a tall skinny beady-eyed vampire looking at me.  Frankenberry was dancing by my closet, and there was a strange pilgrim man standing on my dresser. Literally, everywhere I looked there was something crazy happening.  Pretty quickly, I knew I was just "dreaming" these things up, but they just wouldn't go away, I was still seeing them even when I woke my husband up  to turn on the lamp.  As soon as he clicked on the light they were gone, and I was able to go back to sleep.  Even though this episode wasn't scary like the one from the summer,  my heart was still beating out my chest, and a cold sweat broke out over my body. 

Has anyone else out there ever experienced something like this?


  1. Yes!!! I have night terrors too (and I just recently learned that's what they were called). I've had three in my adult life, and one resulted in me rolling over my husband's (sleeping) body and running from our bedroom screaming. I tried to run out our back door but luckily it was locked and my husband woke up before I got it unlocked. In my terribly realistic "dream" someone came through our window, and my husband said "run!" Isn't that nuts?

    1. I bet it would have been funny to see, but they are def not funny when they are happening. The human brain is such a weird weird thing.

  2. Devyn--I've never had a night terror myself, but I was awakened one night this week by a sound and realized that my husband was not in bed. Then I saw him on the floor and at first thought he'd fallen out of bed. He said, no, but that he'd had a terrible dream about being shot at point blank range, very similar to that first night terror you described. is there anything that can be done to calm these episodes?

    1. From everything I read, trying to calm the person only makes it worse... when my husband tried to wake me up from the first one, I didnt see him as himself I saw him as the man with the gun.. so he, trying to help, only made it worse.
