1. Tell me a little about your children
(names/ages/fun facts)
am a Mom of 3 boys! My oldest at only 5 is Skyler, my sensitive soul
who encourages me in every way and is excited to show off his beautiful
Mama to all of his friends. The middle, age 4 is AJ, who is wired in
his own perfect way and he loves from all of his senses and is my boy
genius! My baby boy is Dillon and I can't stand that he is already
2-he's my sticks and bugs and all things mud little whirlwind of a child
and has the most charming personality-he's so little but his attitude
is big! I work a forty hour plus week so when I'm home and they're
awake I weigh them as top priority over any menial chore that doesn't
have to be done at the moment.
2. How long have you been a pin-up and/or mavyn mom?
have always been a lover of fashion and deals. I've learned how to
challenge myself to look my best, have a beautiful home and find
quality without breaking the bank. I never really had a problem with
staying true to this part of myself until I became the mom of a boy and
then another boy and before I knew it another one. I was surrounded by
testosterone and I quickly caught myself overweight, overexhausted and
lacking the confidence I needed to just get through a day of work. Much
less have enough confidence to pursue my husband at the end of a long
night of fighting the kiddos to get to bed. It didn't last long and
finally this Mama took control back for herself. I threw out the junk
food, and the excuses that I couldn't have any time for myself and took
back what I almost lost...myself! Since January 2013 I have lost 55
pounds and am determined to not allow myself to get lost again. I have
made myself a priority. That means I have to put time with my
girlfriends on the calendar and not back out, I have to schedule times
to exercise, I have to plan meals that I like, I have to buy myself
something pretty every now and then (and not feel bad about it) and then
I have to actually wear it! I admit the venture sounds selfish, but I
guarantee you holding onto self-loathing was a much more selfish
approach to being a wife and mother-it's hard to really invest yourself
in others when you don't know who you are and you consistently weigh
what it costs you to do so.

3. How has being a pin-up affected your parenting {and relationship with your significant other}?
am by no means a pin-up model but I have had the chance to venture into
it. In JuIy was thinking hard about what kind of gift to get my
husband for his birthday and I came up with the idea to have a pin-up
shoot done. Heck I had just lost a lot of weight and was feeling better
than I had since we got married. We were both obviously impressed with
the results of Mama taking time for herself again...so why not? I
contacted some friends who do photography and sent them some inspiration
pics, I wanted something artful and classicly vintage, nothing silly or
cheesy just that discretely sexy artful pose and I was so happy with
the results. Needless to say so was my husband. The whole experience
was great. Even while hiding the planning and the shoot from my husband
I felt so sexy. I felt awakened. The photographer did such a great
job capturing me that even though I'm no model the potential is there. I
know that my photos were edited just like every other model out there
and still it's me, not even a false image of me or extremely enhanced
just me in the right light caught through the lens of a camera. It's
me! The end result is something, as a Christian woman I am proud to
display, my children think I am beautiful in the pictures and so does my
man-he was amazed I had it in me...even though he knew it was there.
Somehow having the pictures gives you the proof.
Photo by DuMond Photography |
4. Has Pin-up brought any obstacles to your mom- life?
really. I did have one "old soul" on facebook instantly remark about
how I shouldn't be posting the photos online-that they should only be
for my husband's eyes. I quickly deleted her statement and hid myself
from her viewing. I don't want to offend and obviously I had offended
her in some way but I did not have any personal convictions about it and
everyone else I know was very supportive. They told me they felt
inspired, and loved the how artful they were.
5. Tell me about the photos you chose to share... why are they your favorite?
thigh reveal on the side of the Model-T is my absolute favorite. It
has so many details, colors and textures, down to my reflection in the
black paint. It's like an ad in a magazine, I know it's me but it's
kind of like I can't believe it's me. I also like the less sexy pose of
me leaning on the wheelwell of the car it's just pretty. I can't
believe I let the girls make the shoot but I love this pic as well, it's
so frilly and girly and I love the look in my eyes and what a cute
little vintage broach!
Photo by DuMond Photography |
Do you have any words of wisdom to share with other pin-up moms out
there, or maybe some ladies that are considering getting involved with
you're discovering who you are stay true to it. I highly encourage you
to get some sort of photos done when you are feeling the most like
yourself. It costs a little bit of money but is worth every penny to
have a professional do them. Vintage pin-up is not all that's out
there. Follow your dreams, photographers work for you and it is their
job to best display who you are and if they don't do that for you let
them know. I've seen so many different shoots lately, even fashion
shoots that are just beautiful and risky and daring enough for someone
to feel like themselves by putting themselves out there in a new and
different way. Feel it out for yourself, taking the pictures doesn't
mean you have to become a public figure or join a club of other pin-ups,
it may just be a life-changing photo shoot and nothing else and that's
fine. The most important thing is that you are always yourself. I did a
vintage photo shoot because I thought the era and that type of
photography spoke to who I am sexually-kind of that good girl who you
have to get to know to really get to know her...you know? I don't wear
vintage clothing every day though. My style is trendy I like what's
selling at Macy's and I always want to wear the latest trends...I just
don't want to pay Macy's prices to do so. I want to be a woman, I want
to sparkle...you should too!
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