MizZ Heidi J Hotlips
Photographer: Switchblade Betties MUAH: Angel Jagger
1. Tell me a little about your children (names/ages/fun facts) Mackenzie Rose 15, Liam Patrick 17, and Jonathon 21. I have the funniest goofball children ever. We regularly engage in tickle fights and act like complete fools. laughter truly is the best medicine and my children administer it in large doses. My daughter loves photography and my sons are athletes. As a family we have a huge heart for animals and we operate our own bully breed rescue.
2. How long have you been involved in the pin-up community/ taking pin-up photos?
have been in love with pin-up my entire life, but I only began doing
photos 6 months ago. I spent the better part of my life unhappy with
myself, and i let myself go. I finally took control of my life and got
on a path to health.. both emotional and fitness health. I lost 100
pounds and the only logical next step was to venture out and do my first
shoot. Everyone who knows me will tell you I am an old soul, born in
the wrong era so it just made sense to celebrate what I love.
Photo by Lucky Devil Pin Ups |
How has being a pin-up affected your parenting (ie.. what has pinup
brought to you that makes you a better mom, or lessons you've learned
through pinup that you can teach your children...)
I believe my
journey has made me a much better mom. Before I was not setting a good
example of confidence and self value for my daughter or my son. Now, I
am confident and less of a perfectionist.
4. Has Pin-up brought any obstacles to your mom life?
has not brought obstacles per-se, but I have had some eyebrows raised
in my professional life. I was actually told that my work was offensive
and inappropriate. I was forced to stand up for myself and my belief in a
form of art that reflects my own values. Pin-up is not about being
tawdry. It is a reflection of a generation and time where woman
celebrated their femininity with subtle sexuality. A time when family
values were important and love and honor were the norms. I think
standing up for that has helped my children to respect the values we
have imparted in them, especially my son. He has learned that beauty and
confidence do not require being nearly naked, and that a woman should
conduct herself as a lady.
5. Tell me about the photos you chose to share... why are they your favorite?
chose photos from my very first shoot.. it was a defining moment in my
life. The photographer helped me to realize how far i had come in my
life and taught me to be comfortable in my skin. I also chose photos
from a shoot that embraced a different side of beauty, the side where
even a lady can get dirty and wear shapeless attire yet still
be feminine and amazing. I also chose a photo from a date night with my
groom. my love affair with pin-up does not stay in the studio, it is a
way of living as well as a fashion choice.
Photographer: Switchblade Betties MUAH: Angel Jagger |
Do you have any words of wisdom to share with other pin-up moms out
there, or maybe some ladies that are considering getting involved with
doubt yourselves ladies, there is no such thing as the perfect shape or
size. Pin-up is meant to celebrate real women with real bodies and
curves. Believe in
yourself , it is the best lesson you can teach your children. Love
yourself, all of you. As women we are powerful and amazing, and that's
the side the world needs to see.

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